Estimating could include material take-offs for simple quantities or complex pricing. Whether you... View more
Working with data tables
Working with data tables
Some of the design drawings we receive provide tables of data. A recent example provided 260 rows of data about pipe sizes and lengths between roof drain fittings. I use a series of custom perimeter tools to measure each pipe run, but need to refer to the table to determine the pipe size between the fittings.
The challenge was that order that the information was provided in the table. The first row was for a fitting/pipe at Building 2. The second row started a group of Building 5 fittings – but in basically a random order. Then there were 2 rows for Building 4 followed by 3 rows for Building 5 then 1 row for Building 3 – you get the idea.
After pulling my hair out for more lines than I’d like to admit I remembered an idea I had the last time I had to go through this exercise – exporting the data to Excel!
Using “File>Export>Excel Workbook>Page Region” I was able to quickly copy the data to an Excel workbook and then sort the information alphabetically! This made it sooo much faster to find the information that I needed!
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