Custom Column Examples?
Custom Column Examples?
Posted by Troy DeGroot on July 13, 2022 at 12:41 pmI use Custom Columns for everything under the sun when I build custom tools for customers. But it seems when I’m teaching them in my Advanced Estimating class, I draw a blank for examples to use. So I thought I would ask the Bluebeam Brainery. Help me shape my course materials!
What examples do you have?
- Text
- Check Mark
- Choice
- Date
- Formula
- Number
I purposely didn’t give examples because I want to hear from you. Thanks!
Doug McLean replied 1 year, 5 months ago 6 Members · 12 Replies -
12 Replies
Points: 27,563Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
@troy-degroot my custom columns are what I need in my .csv export file to import into B2W, our estimating software:
– Item
– Description
– Quantity
– Unit
– Phase
The “Quantity” column has a simple formula that reports the “measurement” value. The other 4 are prepopulated for each custom tool.
Points: 15,618Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt
I use a lot of Choice and Formula columns
I’m with @David Cutler, my custom columns are based on what I need for my Estimating Software.Always get them to answer this question – “What problem are you trying to solve?”
Points: 14,072Rank: UC2 Brainery Blue Belt IIII
I have quite a few different set-ups now so here are a few: –
1. Text – in my drainage set-up I use text for the details for the Start and End of a sewer run eg a manhole reference SW1 or if it the run joins onto another run then the end detail might be SW1>SW2.
2. Choice – for roofing the type of cuts to the top and bottom of a rafter are entered via a choice. For foundations the type of mesh reinforcement, clayboard, etc.
3. Dates – for drainage I actually use the Creation Date to help stop me having to enter repetitive details. When I export to Excel, I re-sort the whole mark-up list into the order in which I did the mark-ups. This means that if I have 5 sewer runs connecting into the same manhole, I just need to enter the manhole details against the first mark-up then in Excel those details can automatically be pasted down to the other 4 runs. This doesn’t sound like much initially but when you are measuring 1000’s of runs on a big scheme it can really save a lot of time.
4. Numbers – used for pipe diameters in drainage, timber sizes in roofing, etc.. With the use of non-standard products, it is basically impossible to create a Choice list which will include all the possibilities.
I am planning on using Check Marks for valuation purposes but haven’t got around to setting anything up with those yet.
As for formulas – sorry I don’t use these in Bluebeam 😆.
Points: 5,399Rank: UC2 Brainery Purple Belt
I do wish that the formula functions included a simple “if” function. Because it doesn’t, I have been forced to use several “choice” custom columns with a yes or no choice and a 1 assigned to the yes and a 0 assigned to the no. I use this as a “switch” in a formula column to include the result or not.
Points: 27,563Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
Points: 15,618Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt
It is for this reason alone people like Vince and myself use Power Query.
The lack of a conditional formula option within Revu makes estimating for Millwork difficult.Its kind of tricky to do everything so that the formula can be applied globally
Points: 5,399Rank: UC2 Brainery Purple Belt
Another workflow process that I think helps is to lock your tools, then only unlock a line or group of lines on your markup list to make changes. I have corrupted many a tool in my toolbox by making a change to a markup while the tool was still open, thereby changing the tool.
Points: 15,618Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt
this drives me batty.
Its also something that I drive into new users
Points: 816Rank: UC2 Brainery White Belt III
This is an example of custom columns.
Metal siding panels and insulated metal panels (IMPs) can only be acquired in full pieces. Different manufacturers limit cut off lengths different ways. For estimating, these custom columns allow changing the siding piece width (default s 42″ for IMP) and round up to the nearest length in feet. This example is an area measurement (e.g. an elevation). Pricing is typically based upon a number of factors including length, SF, truckloads, etc. This column example doesn’t address pricing, as manufacturers differ.
Note: This page was set up with layers that I typically use…
Points: 24,194Rank: UC2 Brainery Brown Belt IIII
This is great @carlwegman thanks for sharing. I would typically keep the price out of Bluebeam as it can change by the hour. I can see maybe custom dropdown menus for product widths, and as you mentioned formulas rounding up to the next full sheet. It’s always interesting to think about the actual installation process and how “Waste” can look different in the reality of the job site.
A common office mistake is calculating 120 total linear feet of let’s say J-Channel and ordering 10 – 12′-0″ sticks of material. All of a sudden the person in the field is down to the last 3 windows using 6″ scraps to peice it together. A better way to estimate might be every length over 6′-0″ gets a full stick.
I’m guessing it could be similar with your panel products.
Points: 5,399Rank: UC2 Brainery Purple Belt
That’s and interesting one. I’ve thought about this problem a few times, thinking that a standard waste factor would be the solution, but when you think about a millwork project where sticks come in increments of 2 feet and you run across a job where every piece is 10′-2″, you end up with 18-19% waste. If every piece is 4′-2″, the waste factor jumps to nearly 50%.
I’ve attacked this with a series of tools for each type of trim at lengths of 4′, 6′, 8′, ect. I created a text box with the length shown, scaled it to roughly 6″ x 6″ relative to the drawing scale. With a custom column with the assigned length for each tool, I can calculate total length required. Just pop one at each location. For running trim, I still use polylength measurements and assign waste factors.
Points: 15,618Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt
Oh I hate dealing with solid wood waste when it comes to Millwork. Too many things come into play.
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