Erin Brayley
Local Time
- Timezone: Europe/London
- Date: Mar 12 2024
- Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
UChapter2 LIVE – Agile Project Management for the AEC Industry
Agile project management is an iterative approach to delivering a project throughout its lifecycle. These methodologies are frequently used in software development projects but have not yet made their way to the AEC industry.
This session will discuss the core principles and several variations of agile project management methodologies as well as practical applications for how to use them within our projects and how this shift in perspective can help to advance the AEC industry’s influence.
Erin is an AIA Registered Architect currently practicing in Austin, TX. She has a BARCH from California Polytechnic State University, SLO, and is currently working towards a Master of Science in Construction Management at Texas A&M. Erin holds professional accreditation with both LEED and WELL. In her role, Erin is able to combine her passions for sustainable practices, technological advances, and improved collaboration practices within the AEC industry to emphasize successful project coordination and delivery.