UChapter2 LIVE – Utilizing Custom Profiles for More Efficient Workflows

Bluebeam Revu profiles are quite often used to set the layout of the screen, which includes where tools are located. They also hold what tool…

UChapter2 LIVE – Transforming Building Compliance with Bluebeam Revu

With direct contact with facility management, the focus is on migrating facility inspections and consulting from a work order-based system to an informative and interactive…

UChapter2 LIVE – Bluebeam Tips & Tricks – Filling in the Gaps

Whether you’re a Bluebeam beginner or a seasoned expert, we all have gaps in our knowledge. This presentation aims to help you fill in those…

UChapter2 LIVE – Solving Everyday Pains with Simple Integrations – The power of a connected workflow between Bluebeam and Dropbox to unleash productivity.

Sometimes the smallest gestures can have the greatest impact. This session will take you through multiple journeys of how the simple integration of Dropbox to…

WMCI – Bluebeam Takeoffs & Estimates – Basics

2 Hours, Hands-On, In-Person With Revu’s intuitive measurement tools and customizable interface, we can turn your highlighters into data-rich takeoff tools. We’ll start out going…

WMCI – Bluebeam Document Management

2 Hours, Hands-On, In-Person Build on knowledge gained in Bluebeam Baseline Basics. Are your drawings a mess with random page labels, no hyperlinks, sheets out…

Installing Custom Profiles in Bluebeam Revu

You’ve received a zip file containing all the files you’ll need for your Custom Tools and Profile in Bluebeam Revu. Following these steps installing custom……...

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ABC – Bluebeam Revu for Administrative Professionals

2 Hours, Hands-On, Virtual Administrative teams have unique document workflows that demand a different set of tools compared to design and construction teams. A typical…

Builders Exchange -Bluebeam Revu for Administrative Professionals

2 Hours, Hands-On, Virtual Administrative teams have unique document workflows that demand a different set of tools compared to design and construction teams. A typical…

AGC -Bluebeam Revu for Administrative Professionals

2 Hours, Hands-On, Virtual Administrative teams have unique document workflows that demand a different set of tools compared to design and construction teams. A typical…