Convert to Arc Randomly Doesn’t Work

  • Convert to Arc Randomly Doesn’t Work

    Posted by Nic Bitting on May 22, 2023 at 7:39 am

    One blip I keep running into that I haven’t figured out…after drawing a Polylength or Area takeoff I often need to add a radius at corners. About once a day randomly when I right click into the menu “Convert to Arc” will be greyed out.

    Sometimes I’ve had success by selecting a control point adjacent to the line segment I want to be radius, and then when I right click into the menu “Convert to Arc” will show up…but not always.

    Example attached, 5 of the 6 radius I need showed up no problem, but on the last one no matter what I try “Convert to Arc” remains greyed out.

    I’ve not been able to deduct a pattern as to why sometimes I can’t convert a segment to an arc. Anyone else run into this?

    Nic Bitting replied 1 year, 8 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Doug McLean

    May 22, 2023 at 8:06 am
    Points: 15,596
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt Rank

    Sometimes it’s as easy as adding an extra control point.

    • Nic Bitting

      May 22, 2023 at 8:18 am
      Points: 1,002
      Rank: UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt Rank

      Easy enough, will try that.

  • David Cutler

    May 22, 2023 at 8:09 am
    Points: 27,514
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I

    I’ve run into something similar when taking off curb @Nic_Bitting – usually when I try to save adding multiple points on an island. Basically if I select only the tangent points (so that I have a straight line across the end of the island) Revu won’t let me convert that straight line to an arc. Typically if I place 3 points – start, middle and end points – Revu will allow me to make two arcs.

    Not a fix, but as a potential work around have you tried adding an additional point close to where you need the arc and then deleting your original point?

    As a side note your sketch is very well done. How do you get your dimensions lines to offset off the curves? I don’t think that I’ve seen that before.

    • Nic Bitting

      May 22, 2023 at 8:21 am
      Points: 1,002
      Rank: UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt Rank

      Thanks David, sounds similar to the approach Doug is suggesting. I’ll try that.

      The dimension lines are deceiving here as they were drawn by the Architect, and you’re just seeing my colored markup on top.

      That said, if you do draw in dimension lines I’ve learned that if you click on the line, hover over the center control point and hold Shift then you can drag the dimension line as close or far as you want from your takeoff, offsetting it by whatever dimension works best for your application..

  • Troy DeGroot

    May 22, 2023 at 11:28 am
    Points: 24,141
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Brown Belt IIII UC2 Brainery Brown Belt IIII

    Inconsistent results, presenters nightmare!

    Nothing worse than setting up the anticipation of a great trick, and it’s greyed out. 😰

  • Doug McLean

    May 22, 2023 at 2:30 pm
    Points: 15,596
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt Rank

    For those odd shapes you may want to try Dynamic Fill.

    Can be a great tool when you get it working right.

    • Vince

      May 22, 2023 at 2:33 pm
      Points: 14,062
      Rank: UC2 Brainery Blue Belt IIII UC2 Brainery Blue Belt IIII

      That’s a very big ‘if’ if you are here in the UK!

      • David Cutler

        May 22, 2023 at 8:19 pm
        Points: 27,514
        Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I

        I go hot & cold on dynamic fill.

        For parking lots I’ve gone as far as measuring the curb with my curb markup tool, flattening those markups temporarily and then using dynamic fill to measure the roadway area. Sometimes this doesn’t work cleanly and I end up with either bleed or random control points in my area markups.

        Usually I get frustrated and just measure the roadway areas by selecting points along the curbline again… 🤪

  • Liz Larsen

    May 24, 2023 at 12:46 pm
    Points: 4,855
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Orange Belt IIII UC2 Brainery Orange Belt IIII

    For some reason you cannot convert line segments to arcs if you were holding SHIFT to make that segment snap to 0° or 90° increments. If you snapped to 45° convert to arc should work just fine.

    I just move the node a tiny bit, convert to arc, then turn on “snap to content” to be able to put it back aligned with the other node.

    • Nic Bitting

      May 25, 2023 at 10:29 am
      Points: 1,002
      Rank: UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt Rank

      Oh interesting. Thanks for pointing out that anomaly @liz, I wonder if that’s part of what I’m running into? either way sounds like there’s a few quick solutions to the issue. Thanks all.

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