Points: 13,846
Rank: UC2 Brainery Blue Belt III
My initial thoughts on this go along the lines of: –
Say you are working with 2.400×1.200m sheets with the grain running longwise and you are completing panelling with the grain running vertically.
Firstly, I would take the length of each markup and divide it by 1.20 then round it up to the next whole number (a).
Second, take the height and divide it by 2.40 then round this down to the previous whole number (b).
a x b gives the number of whole sheets.
Then with the remainder of the height, add 100mm to allow for cuts and then round this figure up to quarter sheet sizes i.e. 0.60m (c), 1.20m (d) and 1.80m (e).
Multiply all of these by b to get the number of pieces required.
When you have all the different panels measured and calculated as above go through the following steps.
Then take the number of d pieces and divide by 2 then round up to the next whole number. Add this to the number of whole sheets.
Pair up pieces c and e to work out the next lot of whole sheets.
Then, if there is a remainder of e pieces then add that figure to the number of whole sheets.
However, if there is remainder for the type c pieces instead then, take this number and divide by 4 then round up to the next whole number to add to the number of whole sheets.
Hope that rambling makes sense! 😆