Quantity Link……..

  • Quantity Link……..

    Posted by rob gibson on September 26, 2023 at 10:27 am

    hi all, hoping for some guidance……………..

    finally had a scenario where i had some substructure take offs

    where all descriptions and heights would be the same from plot to plot….approx 30 plots

    lengths are the only thing that change from plot to plot and air brick counts, some items omit………..

    so i set up an excel template with my descriptions-created a toolbox to correspond with those descriptions-did all the linking to the sheet……..first take off ……..happy days all as expected all totals link and back check correctly—-save and close.

    so, i want to move on to the next plot, so i call up the template(xls) change the pdf it links to in the resources dialogue(and remove the old sheet link) within excel…………

    cannot re use the template without some error or other(various)

    My question…………how do i reuse the xls template i have created with a fresh pdf.

    appreciate any steer.

    Troy DeGroot replied 1 year ago 6 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • Vince

    September 26, 2023 at 11:07 am
    Points: 13,665
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Blue Belt III UC2 Brainery Blue Belt III

    Hi Rob. I’m not 100% following what you are doing but happy to have a chat tomorrow if you are about.

  • Doug McLean

    September 26, 2023 at 2:06 pm
    Points: 15,067
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt Rank

    Hi Rob

    Without knowing a bit more it would be hard to answer.
    Did you do anything more than have it link to a specific tool?
    i.e. a floor, space, etc?

  • Jose Rodriguez

    September 26, 2023 at 2:40 pm
    Points: 534
    Rank: UC2 Brainery White Belt UC2 Brainery White Belt Rank

    Just so I understand…

    You are using the same Excel template and Bluebeam tools and markups?

  • rob gibson

    September 27, 2023 at 2:46 am
    Points: 1,510
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt I UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt I

    thanks all……………

    as all the subs on all plots are exactly the same descriptions, same heights…..(lengths and counts differ)….. etc

    i just wanted a template that i can call up, link to a new pdf – carry out a take off—then save as a seperate excel sheet for later incorporation into a global workbook

    so plot 1 take off, plot 2 take off. etc

    the sheet i have created links to a tool box only, with matching descriptions-no spaces, batch links or anything else– just pure tools.

    will do a quick screen record this mornig to show the problem

    i think i am missing something, or not understanding what i think quant link can do…..

  • rob gibson

    September 27, 2023 at 3:12 am
    Points: 1,510
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt I UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt I

    hopefully this explains whats puzzling me?


    • Jose Rodriguez

      September 27, 2023 at 2:03 pm
      Points: 534
      Rank: UC2 Brainery White Belt UC2 Brainery White Belt Rank

      After watching your video, it seems to me that you are using 2 different PDF’s.

  • Doug McLean

    September 27, 2023 at 1:51 pm
    Points: 15,067
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt Rank

    Your File Names are different.
    In the Excel file you selected 12&13(one half)
    in Revu you selected 12&13 Pair

    • rob gibson

      September 28, 2023 at 2:17 am
      Points: 1,510
      Rank: UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt I UC2 Brainery Yellow Belt I

      thanks guys, vince pointed that out yesterday

      when we chatted………………..i will repost

      • Doug McLean

        September 28, 2023 at 2:29 pm
        Points: 15,067
        Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt Rank

        I missed the reply 😳

        • Vince

          September 29, 2023 at 12:21 am
          Points: 13,665
          Rank: UC2 Brainery Blue Belt III UC2 Brainery Blue Belt III

          Hi @Doug. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss my reply – I spoke to Rob on the phone!


    • David Cutler

      September 28, 2023 at 10:42 am
      Points: 26,616
      Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt UC2 Brainery Advanced Advanced Brown Belt Rank

      Details, details @Doug McLean … 🤣

  • Troy DeGroot

    November 21, 2023 at 12:33 pm
    Points: 23,637
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Brown Belt III UC2 Brainery Brown Belt III

    I’m having the same issue. I built a bunch of custom tools to match up with a custom Excel workbook, made all the links and saved them. When I copy the template Excel file into a new folder, link it to a new drawing, and perform my markups, the quantities don’t link. I’m not sure what I’m missing.

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