Best way to generate PDFs from design software
Best way to generate PDFs from design software
As some of you are aware I’m a bit of a “training junkie”. I attend just about every bit of training/on-line live discussion group that I can work into my scheduled. One topic that has been discussed a few times, but I can’t find anything in my notes about, is how to best create PDFs so that they don’t get bogged down in Revu. I remember the part about looking at what “PDF Producer” was used in Document -> Properties tree, but I can’t remember what the recommendation was after that.
The current PDF I’m getting started on was produced using “pdfplot15.hdi”. The document is 32 pages long and is 45,000 KB +/-. As I page through it the pages load somewhat slow. I don’t have access to the document in it’s native format, just the PDF that was provided by the client.
What does everyone recommend to improve performance (without buying a $10,000 computer)? Seems as if I remember someone suggesting printing the file to a “new” pdf from Revu. Am I remembering this tip correctly?
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