Points: 27,354
Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I

Autocad SHX markups can be very frustrating to deal with in a document @Michelle Branch
A couple of ideas/workarounds:
1. Select your markups from the “Markup List” rather from the page. If you sort your markups by “Page Label” first you can capture all of the comments that you need to copy from the Markup List using a “Cntrl + click” sequence to gather everything up that you need to copy leaving the Autocad SHX markups behind.
2. You may be able to “Flatten” the Autocad SHX markups so that they are no longer selectable. Again, starting with the Markup List sort by “Author” and select all of the Autocad SHX comments. Next tap the Flatten function and toggle on the “Currently Selected Markups” option. This should make the Autocad SHX comments part of the background so they won’t be able to be selected.
If you are copying comments from multiple people’s markups over to a combined file a couple of more tips:
1. Start with a file that doesn’t have any markups on it and Flatten it first. That way you don’t have to worry about the Autocad SHX comments in future operations. You will likely have to copy markups from an additional file into your master, but the frustration you will save will be worth the extra step.
2. When copying comments use “Paste-In-Place” rather than just “Paste”. Paste-In-Place (Ctrl-Shift-V) will paste the markups into the same position on the new document as they were on the previous document. This is a huge timesaver vs having to reposition comments to ensure that they are in the right place.
3. If you use multiple monitors un-dock your markup list and drag it over onto one of your other monitors and maximize the size of the window. This will allow you to see 3-4 times the number of comments that you see if the markup list is docked at the bottom of your screen.
Hope some or all of this helps!