Points: 15,596
Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt

Hey Travis
Good to see someone else from Vancouver here, go ‘nucks!
First question I have is what version of word are you running. I ran a quick test using O365. It might make a difference, might not. Word hasn’t changed much over the years.
Anyway, when I tried this, the note icon comes in as a picture, so just click on it and you can deleted it. Second, the note field came in as a Textbox, which can be moved.
I don’t know if I would do a contract this way though.
I’d probably export to Word before making any notes and then use Comments in Word to do what you’re doing. If you don’t know Word, highlight the text you want to comment on, and then from the Insert Tab, select Comment (its not that different than an Excel comment actually).
Other than that, I’d do what Troy suggested and use other markup tools. They too will come into Word as Text boxes or Shapes.