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Just when I thought I had it all figured out!
Just when I thought I had it all figured out!
I was introduced to a new way of displaying custom data on a markup at the Bluebeam Live! event in New York last week.
In Revu 21.3 (and going forward) you can code the “label” value to display the information from any column contained in your markups list. This is relatively simple! All you have to do is enter “<<” into the label field and you will be shown a dropdown list of all the column names that you can choose from. (You may have to backspace and then re-enter the 2nd “<” to get it to populate). You can choose 1 column, multiple columns, even add text before/after the column! Possibly the most flexible value associated with a markup.
I thought for sure that I was going to be able to build out any number of custom columns to provide the information that I need for my estimate and then code the “label” column to display my calculated value in one consistent column for every markup. <i style=”background-color: var(–bb-content-background-color); font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>Unfortunately, this isn’t quite the case.
I can get the custom value to show on the markup on the PDF, but in the markups list the “label” displayed is the formula, not the value… When I export the markups list the “<<Tons>>” string shows in the “label” column, not the value.
Where this might still work is that the “label” that is displayed shows in the “comments” column, which does show in the markups list export… The next challenge is that anything that is displayed as the “label” on the markup shows in the comments column so this limits what I can show on my marked up PDF in order to get what I want out of the markups list…
Guess I need to go back to Bluebeam and start lobbying for tool specific formulas…
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