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Markups XML Import
Markups XML Import
I have an example case that I am struggling with and I would be grateful for some insight.
I am creating a simple sequence (think 1, 2, 3) where I am labeling locations on a PDF. I am trying to test the following workflow that I will build out more once I get success.
1) add 1,2,3 location labels via a sequence
2) create a markup summary xml
3) delete the markup’s for testing the workflow
4) Markup’s list –> Markup’s –> Import –> select the summary file just created
5) 🙁 no markups are showing up but this is where I would hope the 1,2,3 markups would reappear
The bigger workflow is I am trying to edit the data in the xml between the export and import process. I would love to export a csv then figure out how to convert this to xml, but I wanted to start simple with xml out and xml in, but I am unable to even get this to work.
I can get the .bax to work as expected, but editing a .bax is beyond my skillset.
Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you.
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