Markups XML Import

  • Markups XML Import

    Posted by Joseph Campos on March 2, 2023 at 4:20 pm


    I have an example case that I am struggling with and I would be grateful for some insight.

    I am creating a simple sequence (think 1, 2, 3) where I am labeling locations on a PDF. I am trying to test the following workflow that I will build out more once I get success.

    1) add 1,2,3 location labels via a sequence

    2) create a markup summary xml

    3) delete the markup’s for testing the workflow

    4) Markup’s list –> Markup’s –> Import –> select the summary file just created

    5) 🙁 no markups are showing up but this is where I would hope the 1,2,3 markups would reappear

    The bigger workflow is I am trying to edit the data in the xml between the export and import process. I would love to export a csv then figure out how to convert this to xml, but I wanted to start simple with xml out and xml in, but I am unable to even get this to work.

    I can get the .bax to work as expected, but editing a .bax is beyond my skillset.

    Any help would really be appreciated. Thank you.

    Isaac Harned replied 1 year, 9 months ago 4 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • David Cutler

    March 3, 2023 at 7:25 am
    Points: 27,514
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I

    Welcome to the Brainery @backpacker87 (Not sure why it displays that way Joseph) 🙂

    There have been a number of discussions about exporting data, modifying it and importing it back in, but I don’t know that I’ve seen this one yet! Unfortunately I don’t know the answer, but I expect a few folks will be along shortly that have more experience with this process.


  • Isaac Harned

    March 3, 2023 at 9:06 am
    Points: 8,158
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Purple Belt III UC2 Brainery Purple Belt III

    Quite the workflow there! Curious what you are trying to edit in the markups file?

    • Joseph Campos

      March 6, 2023 at 9:51 am
      Points: 150
      Rank: UC2 Brainery Newbie UC2 Brainery Newbie Belt Rank

      We are going to be performing field measurements at specific locations that we will mark with a sequenced dot. My idea is the sequenced dot will just have the sequence as the text and a generic color. After all the measurements are recorded in excel, my hope is to overwrite the text in the markup from the markup number say “27” to read “27: 12 FC” (we are measuring light in foot-candles) and I also wanted to change the color of the markup based on if the measurement is within design spec. or not.

      Having the data in a table is always nice, but a picture is worth a thousand words and it would be great to provide a set of drawings with the measurement locations marked and the resulting data in a clean and concise way that allows for action to be taken. Such as being able to look at an entire area and see all the dots red would indicate that area’s light levels are too low.

      There will be hundreds or thousands of readings, hence the desire to automate the changing of the markups.

      • David Cutler

        March 6, 2023 at 12:04 pm
        Points: 27,514
        Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I

        Fascinating workflow @backpacker87

        How have you performed this in the past?

      • David Cutler

        March 6, 2023 at 12:14 pm
        Points: 27,514
        Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I

        Throwing an idea out to see what other thoughts it generates. How about collecting your data directly in Revu, rather than trying to import it in?

        You could create a markup that you apply to your drawing in the field and then capture your meter reading in a custom column directly in Revu.

        Once you have a number of results captured your could sort your markups by the meter reading column. You could select all of the markups in the desired range and change the color of the markup. This way your “dots” would be color coded and located on the drawing sheet.

        As an added benefit when you hover over your markup in the PDF, depending upon how you have the data entered, you will see some of the information displayed on the screen at your curser (this is how it works on a PC at least). Complete data would be shown in the markup list.

        If you need the data in Excel for reporting you could export the data from Revu and then process the information in Excel – perhaps with a Power Query.

  • Isaac Harned

    March 3, 2023 at 9:16 am
    Points: 8,158
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Purple Belt III UC2 Brainery Purple Belt III

    Ok, I did a little testing on this, let me know if this fits or not:

    When exporting a “summary”, it will not store the same data as if you were to actually “Export markups”. The default format for this is .bax, but you can switch the dropdown for file type to “all files” and put a .xml extension on your name. Tested an export import with this and it seems to work, but it depends on what you are doing with those markups in between and if they need to be imported into another program.

    Also, if you export .bax, then open the file with notepad, you will see the same format as if you saved xml and opened in notepad, so maybe some others can chime in on effects of this I don’t know about.

    Attached are two files, the M2.00.xml is a Markup summary exported as xml, the Longer named xml file is an actual markups export saved as xml. Try opening both in notepad to see the above visually. I can’t upload .bax extensions here.

    • Joseph Campos

      March 6, 2023 at 9:44 am
      Points: 150
      Rank: UC2 Brainery Newbie UC2 Brainery Newbie Belt Rank


      Thanks for digging in! I am out of the office today but I will be back in tomorrow and I will give this a test drive. Thanks!

      • Isaac Harned

        April 26, 2023 at 10:17 am
        Points: 8,158
        Rank: UC2 Brainery Purple Belt III UC2 Brainery Purple Belt III

        Wanted to follow up here on a part of your OP. When you say that editing a .bax is beyond your skill set, have you tried just exporting markups (not a summary), and then just opening the markup file like a PDF? you should be able to edit the markups on basically a blank space before re-importing to your file.

  • Doug McLean

    March 3, 2023 at 9:22 am
    Points: 15,596
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt Rank

    Hmm, I’ll have to dig into this a bit

  • Doug McLean

    March 7, 2023 at 5:25 pm
    Points: 15,596
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt UC2 Brainery Advanced Blue Belt Rank

    What exactly would you be importing back to the drawings?

    How would you be editing the xml file?

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