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Polylength v. Perimeter
Polylength v. Perimeter
Something clicked today and I came up with a better reason for using a Polylength tool over a Perimeter tool.
We use these tools to do takeoff for stuff like fillers, Plant on Gables, panels that aren’t elevated, soffit panels etc…
Well our newbie was doing some markups and I noticed that she was clicking, holding and dragging. (Nothing wrong with that).But with a Perimeter tool, that will create a rectangle. To use the tool the way we intended it to be used, you need to click, release, drag, double click… and it was confusing her a bit.
Polylength won’t allow you to do anything but a line, which is what we need to tool to be.
Something to consider when deciding if you want to use a Polylength tool or a Perimeter tool when you’re creating tools.
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