Typewriter Tool v. Text Box

  • Typewriter Tool v. Text Box

    Posted by Doug McLean on April 7, 2021 at 12:28 pm

    Do you want to just drop in a line of Text w/o having a text box? Maybe you have non-fillable form you need to fill out.
    Add the Typewriter tool to your Text tool bar. Ⓐ
    It’s not a default tool. You’ll have to turn it on Tools>Toolbars>Customize. Highlight your Text tool bar and put a check in the box next to Typewriter.
    Don’t forget to save your Profile afterwards.

    This is something I tell all our staff to do when I go through their initial get to know Bluebeam session.

    Roye Arie replied 3 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • David Cutler

    April 7, 2021 at 8:24 pm
    Points: 25,822
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt UC2 Brainery Advanced Advanced Brown Belt Rank

    This is a great tip Doug! I like to use the typewriter tool for filling out “non-fillable” forms.

    Bonus trick – you can really make your completed forms look neat by using the align tool to get all of your entries lined up.

    Extra Bonus Trick – You can activate the typewriter tool with a single stroke of the “w” key.

  • Roye Arie

    April 20, 2021 at 11:59 am
    Points: 2,956
    Rank: UC2 Brainery Orange Belt UC2 Brainery Orange Belt Rank

    Good info Doug!
    One more thing to add, now Text Boxes can turn into a Callout tool with adding leader lines, those leader lines cannot be added to the Typewriter tool.

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