Installing Custom Profiles in Bluebeam Revu

You’ve received a zip file containing all the files you’ll need for your Custom Tools and Profile in Bluebeam Revu. Following these steps installing custom……...

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Managing Custom Columns

Custom Columns in the Markup-Up List can be extremely frustrating for most users. When you take all the time to build them and they disappear……...

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Importing AutoCAD Hatch Patterns

Hey, I hear you’re looking to add AutoCAD hatch patterns to Bluebeam Revu. You’re in luck! For starters, you’ll find a free download on the……...

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Loading Custom Toolsets

Hey, I hear you’re looking for free Toolsets for Bluebeam® Revu®. You’re in luck! I’ve attached the necessary file along with the directions to load……...

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