Forum Question leading to a Civil Workflow Idea.

Today I have a forum question leading to a civil workflow idea. I tend to stay pretty active in different forums and groups to answer questions and do my best to serve the community. In a past post, I showed how to calibrate drawings with different X, Y scales. In that post, I touched on collecting measurements in a section profile for earthwork quantities. This forum question is asking how to get those quantities in a plan view. I know this is typically done in Civil 3D most of the time, but in case all you have is a PDF, here is the idea. I’m not sure my written explanation was even understandable, so I want to follow up with this video.

If you have any questions or tips you’d like to share with the global community, join the UC2 Brainery forum and work toward your Brainery Black Belt!
THis is an awesome blog,
I purchased Bluebeam and I looking to unleash it’s full potential in my new job.
I have the basics down I can open up a PDF dwg and mark it up.
Calibrate my measuring and leave comments., as well copy and past certain steel details to get through to the reviewer what needs to happen in order to build out the job.
I work for a steel fabricator as a PM, but worked in the field as an ironworker ,then a detailer. I’m looking for the way to set the bluebeam I own, to do structural misc steel take offs .
I have satin a few webinars
Jay, here is a link to a video I did a while back with an idea for steel takeoffs. It’s all in the custom tools and how you want them to report.
Do you have any tips trick for QA/QCing material quantities on Civil Engineering PS&E packages related to roadway design ?
I have several videos created with a civil design theme you can find those here
Here’s also a series I did on collecting field data.
I’m happy to schedule some time with you, check out my business website at for training and consulting services.