Points: 150
Rank: UC2 Brainery Newbie

We are going to be performing field measurements at specific locations that we will mark with a sequenced dot. My idea is the sequenced dot will just have the sequence as the text and a generic color. After all the measurements are recorded in excel, my hope is to overwrite the text in the markup from the markup number say “27” to read “27: 12 FC” (we are measuring light in foot-candles) and I also wanted to change the color of the markup based on if the measurement is within design spec. or not.
Having the data in a table is always nice, but a picture is worth a thousand words and it would be great to provide a set of drawings with the measurement locations marked and the resulting data in a clean and concise way that allows for action to be taken. Such as being able to look at an entire area and see all the dots red would indicate that area’s light levels are too low.
There will be hundreds or thousands of readings, hence the desire to automate the changing of the markups.