Digital Dashboards
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Button actions and Google Drive
Button actions and Google Drive
I have just created a dashboard for some trustee members at my church to use some shared files on a Google Drive server. I created the Dashboard on my local computer and have a few text boxes and images where I just used the hyperlink function to link to some other websites. For the majority of the dashboard I used the button funciton from the Extreme version. Once they were finished I used the add action tool and added the link to the drive folder associated with that particular button. When I was all finished I flattened the document. I uploaded the pdf to main folder. Once it is opened in a tab window the only links that work are the hyperlinks that I stretched over the top of my markups. Whether they were images or textboxes was irrelevant. None of the button actions are clickable. My only other choice was to have team members open the document in whatever pdf viewer they have. I was trying to make it simple and just let the dashboard “live” where the rest of the files were at.
Now to the crux of my question. Do the button hyperlinks not work outside of a pdf viewer? At the end of the day I suppose I could go back and delete all of the Add Action hyperlinks and not use the “buttons” and just overlay the hyperlink function over everything.
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