In The Blue – Episode 5

In The Blue - Episode 9

My team at U.S. CAD recently kicked off a podcast about all things Bluebeam!

“In the Blue” features hosts and guests who are on the cutting edge of AEC technology and experts with Bluebeam software.  Episode 5 features Bluebeam’s very own David Rekker, Senior Regional Manager, Canada.  Year after year David is always a fun conversation at XCON. In this podcast, we talk to David about his career path as a Bluebeam user to an employee.

Click on the image below to listen. Then catch up on episodes you may have missed and subscribe so you don’t miss any.

Give us a review and comment on the podcast platform of your choice. Share with your team and leave me a comment below if you have ideas for future guests or topics.

There are some great events coming up click the links below to register:

Bluebeam Academy Kansas City February 27th, 2020

Bluebeam Academy Hawaii March 5th, 2020

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