Installing Custom Profiles in Bluebeam Revu

You’ve received a zip file containing all the files you’ll need for your Custom Tools and Profile in Bluebeam Revu. Following these steps installing custom……...

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FREE Bluebeam Revu Toolsets

After months of working on these FREE Bluebeam Revu Toolsets, they’re finally available for download. From Appliances to Weld Symbols and everything in between. Some…

Bluebeam XCON 2021 Conference Post Event Summary Report

What a great time again this year at Bluebeam’s XCON 2021 conference. The team at Bluebeam always does a fantastic job planning and executing the…

What is XCON? What Am I teaching? How Can You Attend for FREE?

What is XCON you ask? The truth, everyone who’s attended XCON in the past will say this conference is incredibly fun. The location is always…

Managing Custom Columns

Custom Columns in the Markup-Up List can be extremely frustrating for most users. When you take all the time to build them and they disappear……...

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Importing AutoCAD Hatch Patterns

Hey, I hear you’re looking to add AutoCAD hatch patterns to Bluebeam Revu. You’re in luck! For starters, you’ll find a free download on the……...

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In The Blue – Episode #9

About a year ago my team at U.S. CAD kicked off a podcast about all things Bluebeam! “In the Blue” features hosts and guests who…

In the Blue – Episode #8

Late last year my team at U.S. CAD kicked off a podcast about all things Bluebeam! “In the Blue” features hosts and guests who are…

Loading Custom Toolsets

Hey, I hear you’re looking for free Toolsets for Bluebeam® Revu®. You’re in luck! I’ve attached the necessary file along with the directions to load……...

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In The Blue – Episode 7

Late last year my team at U.S. CAD kicked off a podcast about all things Bluebeam! “In the Blue” features hosts and guests who are…