Resources for Home Learning

Free learning resources
     Hi guys, I’m your new coworker. As most are settling in, working from home, we no longer have coworkers to ask questions. So I’m applying for that job!  I promise not to put your stapler in jello or fax you letters to yourself from the future (I know I have “The Office” fans out there). How fun it would be to hide someone’s cell phone in the ceiling tiles again.
     How are you doing? I want to hear from you.
     For me, working from home like everyone else, I’m not traveling as I’m a custom too, so I’m getting a little antsy. I’d be lying if I said I don’t miss the travel and crazy burgers, or simply interacting with a classroom and discussing workflows.  Like everyone else, I’m a little emotionally disorganized these days.  But, out of chaos comes opportunities and innovation. Many forward-thinking companies like Uber, Square, and Airbnb all came from the recession in 2008 and many more if you look at times following the tragedies of September 11, 2001.  We recover, we get better, and the “normal” gets better.
     Lucky for you, I want to provide something for you that’s not COVID-19, not a conspiracy theory, not defending or bashing Trump.  You don’t need another “how-to work from home” or “how to homeschool your kids” viewpoint of someone with a different life than yours.
     To be honest, I’ve been questioning the relevance and importance of my content in the midst of all of this.  We’re in strange times without a doubt. I backed off a little on my consistency with blogging and YouTube but I realized I needed to get back on track for myself and those who got used to weekly content.  While I haven’t been publishing new content, I have been learning.  Hopefully, you’ve noticed my YouTube content is getting better as I learn more about video editing and better planning the topics.  I hope you’re also taking this opportunity to learn, and better yourself.  So here is a list of resources to learn from home.



Subscribe, these are ongoing resources.

UC2 Brainery

If you have any questions or tips you’d like to share with the global community, join the UC2 Brainery forum and work toward your Brainery Black Belt!

RevuHelp Forum

Bluebeam Revu – A Reddit Community

How can I better serve you during this time?  This blog and my YouTube channel are personal hobbies of mine because I truly enjoy helping people.  Let me know what you think of this blog post and if you have other resources I should add.  If you found this helpful, I’d be honored if you shared it with your team.

The world needs your unique ideas and talents, take care of yourself.

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  1. I’m writing a Wiki for the Revu Subreddit (still a work in progress). Here is the Revu learning resources section I put together.

    1. This is great Andrew, someone mentioned this site in the FB group. Glad to find it, I can’t wait to dive in!

  2. Appreciate all the tips and guidance. Don’t think it goes unnoticed. Each one teach one.

    1. I appreciate the time you took to write this Chad. If there are any topics you want to be covered, let me know, I’m always looking for ideas.