David Cutler
MemberForum Replies Created
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
Made a few minutes to watch the video @Vince . Very impressive setup! Thank you for the shout out as a member of the Brainery.
One quick question with your custom line types – are the widths of your lines also set to scale? If yes, how do you account for different scales on different sheets? If no, do your “Noggin Boards” measure accurately where you appear to be measuring from the edge of the lines?
Now I need to make the time to update my custom tools to keep up!
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
Thank you for putting the time into making the video @Vince. I look forward to checking it out this weekend.
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
Interesting question @Vince
I’d be surprised if you could change such a setting. While I understand the desire to reduce clicks I think it could be annoying if Revu went into edit mode every time that you selected an item in the markup list.
You could try this – I run with the “Properties” window “un-docked” on a separate monitor. That way when I click on a markup (either on the drawing or the markup list) I have all of the fields available for editing in the Properties window. This would save you a click if you selected the markup on the drawing and then went right to the Properties window for editing.
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
Welcome to the Brainery @tshump67 .
Thank you for your question. I’ve never used that feature before, but when I tried this morning (Extreme Version 20.2.60) it seemed to work as expected – no issue with anything being grayed out.
I know I’m not being much help here, but @troy-degroot might have some thoughts on this.
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
I’m not sure I’m understanding your question @Doug McLean
Are you writing a formula in this custom column?
If you are just talking column headers I didn’t have any problems creating one named “Unit of Measure”.
Please provide some more info on what you are trying to accomplish.
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
I’m not sure I’m understanding your question @Vince – I made a custom column with a formula of “Length * Length”. I then made a second custom column with a formula of “Length * Length * Length” with no issues.
Note that the “Length” appears to default to the “Quantity” value so that when I measured an area my column displayed “Area * Area”.
I’m guessing perhaps you are working with something more complicated though…
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
All good points @Vince
Like most endeavors one reaches a point of diminishing returns with the level of detail. If your goal is to develop a detailed parts list for off site cutting Revu is probably not accurate enough. If you’ve goal is to generate a reasonably accurate bill of materials you are definitely there!
Thank you for sharing all of this great information!
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
She just doesn’t understand the life of a Revu addict… 🤣
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
Thank you @troy-degroot for posting the link.
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
I like the idea of “Edit Mode” for the markup list @Vince
I feel your pain on opening up save screens and other actions through single key shortcuts – been there, done that asked my self “how did that happen????”🙂
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
Welcome to the group @tshump67 . Thank you for your question. I gave it a try and it appears that Revu has the same functionality. Here are the steps that I took.
1. Open Revu
2. Open file explorer and locate your word file
3. Click on the word file and drag it into the Revu window
4. You will be prompted to choose a location and name to save the file as
This is a great feature that I didn’t know about. Sometimes I receive quotes from vendors in Word format. I’d rather have them as PDFs. Using this feature I can drag the Word file from the email into a folder then drag it to Revu and have the PDF ready to use. This saves me having to open the Word document and printing it to a PDF.
Note that for some reason it doesn’t appear to work dragging the file directly from Outlook to Revu. Any ideas on this @troy-degroot ?
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
That’s a great question about displaying custom columns in the markup @Vince
Points: 27,011Rank: UC2 Brainery Advanced Brown Belt I
My pleasure @jaredp . I’d suggest making time to check out all of the blogs, videos and Brainery posts that you can. You can find them under the “Resources” drop down above. You may be surprised to see what you can take away from a post about cabinetry takeoffs or earthwork when your primary focus is framing. The key is to always be asking yourself “what can I do with this feature”.
A class or two with @troy-degroot will also open your eyes to all of the additional data you can generate in your takeoffs.